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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Meterless Monkey

I thought I loved this book:

Pat-a-Cake Curious George

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OOOOh, was I suckered in by the cute little 1/2 monkey puppet popping longingly out from the book.

So I was most joyful when my daughter received this book for her birthday....

...until I read it.

Has no one studied meter in school?

No, I don't mean the metric system.  I mean speech rhythm.  Like iambic pentameter (oh, would Mrs. Chamberlain be impressed now) that Shakespeare used (if he existed).  You'll know exactly what I mean when you read this book- you start reading it and the emphasis on the syllables in the sentences should have a rhythm (duh, a, duh, a, duh, a, duh, a, duh, a, duh, a, duh, a, duh).

But whoever wrote this had NO CLUE.  I can't even read it properly!  And it's PAT-A-CAKE!  It's SUPPOSED TO TEACH METER!

What a nightmare.

Pass on the book and just get the puppet.

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