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Sunday, March 10, 2013

HTC and Windows

This is a short tirade against the use of Windows Mobile OS for your phone.

Every single time the time changes, my mobile phone (and HTC Touch Pro 2) trips an alert to let me know that the time has changed and the time is being set forward or set back accordingly.

This alert happens at 2am - when the time officially changes.  How many of you get up at 2am to adjust your clocks?!?

This alert has a mandatory acknowledgement before it will ACTUALLY change the time.  So, the time on the clock (as read from behind the alert message) is the old time.  The alarms are on the old time.

Now, it didn't used to matter to me, but I used to use an alarm clock- now I use my cell phone because it has more alarm slots, which come in handy with the breastfeeding schedule.

I have to say that this is the stupidest notification I've ever experienced.  I actually have to set my alarm clock to make sure I wake up on time because my phone is too dumb to just utilize the time from the Sprint network.

Make sure you get an Android phone to avoid the lovely experience of the mandatory 2am time shift.

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