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Friday, February 22, 2013

Naked Truth About Chocolatier

Warning:  This is a complaint blog.

Don't bother getting Godiva chocolates.

My husband decided to splurge and get me some for Valentine's Day.

I HATE chocolate flavored chocolates.

I don't know where it comes from.  I think some level of toxicity from eating too many M&Ms while selling them for the band fundraiser during high school.  But for whatever reason, I'm one of those weird people who just doesn't like chocolate.

I do like white chocolate, however, which really isn't chocolate at all.  It's cocoa butter and vanilla-flavored candy.

So, my husband, knowing my absolute disdain for chocolate truffles, specifically asked the cashier/shop worker (what do you call them?) for white chocolate only.  He was directed to the following:

  1. White Chocolate Genache- pure white chocolate and vanilla beans.  Absolutely delicious.
  2. Tiramisu- has some small amount of chocolate, but mostly it tastes like coffee and marscapone cheese.  Yum.
  3. Creme Brule- this one was a pure chocolate truffle inside.


So, I don't know how many of you have had creme brule, but it's a VANILLA custard with burn sugar on top.  There's NO chocolate in it at all.  The truffle was so terrible that I spit it out.

When I wrote to customer service to complain, they said that I needed to return the chocolates to the store.

Uhm, couple of problems with that!

  1. What do I do with the one I already ate?
  2. What are _YOU_ going to do with the ones I return?  You can't resell them- it's a health code violation!

When I responded with this feedback to customer service, they changed their reply to, "Sorry, you need to take this up with the store manager."  When I wrote back and asked again, I got no reply.

So, Godiva Chocolatier- never going to purchase your chocolates again.  Great company- refuses to back their product when there's a problem.   I honestly wonder what they would have said if I would have gotten one that I was allergic to...

...probably nothing different.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to post on their Facebook too. I bet they will notice.
