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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


My daughter received this subscription to Babybug as a gift.

Babybug is a little Reader's Digest-type magazine for babies.  The idea is cute.  A little magazine for your toddler just as they're wanting to be like Mommy and Daddy.

But the content is TERRIBLE.

First off, most of the "stories" make NO SENSE AT ALL.  Here's an example:

Thump, Thump, Squeak, Squeak,
All through the house
Thump, Thump, Squeak, Squeak,
Elephant and mouse

Next, the illustrations are SO stylized that it's difficult for me to make out what the graphics are supposed to be.  I can't believe that it's easy for my baby who is trying to learn how to identify objects.

And then there's the highlighted serial story:  Kim and Carrots.

Well, believe it or not, Carrots is the name of the bunny.

I think that this type of naming scheme is a terrible idea.  Carrots are a vegetable that rabbits eat.  What a great way to confuse the child by naming the animal after the food it eats.

Don't get me wrong- this is not the only book to make this error.  The Biscuit books suffer from the same problem, though they are easy to read, easy to understand the illustrations, and  generally have good story lines.

And you get all of these wonderful experiences in 9 difficult to understand issues for $55.95/year.

I think that the only reason that it has won any awards is that it's the only magazine for the age range.  I can't wait until my daughter is old enough for Zoobooks or Highlights, which are actually quality serials.

At least she enjoys crumpling the pages of Babybug.  That's all the interest she seems to show in it.

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