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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tough to Watch

I like watching the Mythbusters.

I really became a fan back in the early years when I saw this show based in San Fran with two guys eating poppy seed muffins to see if poppy seeds really did give a positive test for cocaine in your urine.  (The answer, by the way, is yes).

I think the show has really fallen off in recent years- the inclusion of the B Teams really marked the end to truly candid, scientific TV, and the inclusion of the B Teams has left many shows with either a gross-out factor or just shootin' sh!t up to watch it explode.

Not a lot of science in either of those forums.

However, it looks like seasons 8 and 9 got Jamie and Adam back on track with more scientific  questions and a lot more "well, we need to make sure we set up the experiment right."

And definitely fewer guns and explosions.

So, I was shocked to discover how difficult, NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE this experiment was to watch:

Taking Candy from A Baby

At first, I was just really upset that they were giving lollipops to children under the age of two- even 6 months old!  And the mothers were ok with this!?

And then:


I had to stop it several times during the short segment because I JUST COULDN'T STAND WATCHING THEM PISS THOSE KIDS OFF!

And the bigger question:  How could their MOTHERS let their babies be purposefully upset like that!?


Do they really think that their kid is going to become famous just because of a cameo on a TV show?

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