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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching

I recently have been working on a website for the company as a content writer.  It's fallen to me because the people who should be writing it have no item, or are just simply not interested in writing the content.  Either way, it's been this prompt for me to do it.

So, after months of working on the content, I get a message from the Social Media Manager that now, the boss wants to approve all of it before it goes live on the website.

Now, this owner doesn't have enough time to write the content in the first place, so I honestly wonder how s/he's going to have time to read and approve all the content going forward, including blog content (yes, the company has a's about company things...I guess- the blog isn't live yet so it's still up in the air).

But it does just kind of figure that whatever you do - either productive or not- it always gets overridden by someone higher up the food chain.  It is for this very reason that I don't understand why my presence in ever required in an office.  Decisions are NEVER made at my level- ever.  No matter who is in the room.  No matter what is ever said.  It's always made by someone in their shower or over their own cup of coffee with their spouse- never in the office.  Ever.

From my point of view, it seems what my real job is just to occupy a chair and basically be "on-call" for the entertainment of those who pay me.  

It seems a bit cynical.

It seems a bit depressing.

But since it doesn't matter what I do on a daily basis at work and I find it difficult to be positive.  

My father-in-law was actually telling me that IT is the most thankless job in the world because you don't get to see what you build.  I guess it was a study done by someone, somewhere.  Those of us that work in IT have the highest reported levels of stress, heart attacks, and other stress-related problems.  

What is the best job according to this study?


I kid you not.  It's because the project has a definite start and end; it has an obvious structure that's built- something that actually will matter in a couple of years to someone.

 I don't know if that's completely true.  I couldn't find any study listed online that reflected those facts.  The study that I found said that the most stress job in 2012 was being a working parent- THAT I believe.

Besides, I don't think I can advocate for going into construction- I just don't have the plumber's butt for the job.  But I would love to be in a job that I could actually have a sense of accomplishment at some point, instead of the on-going drone of project-to-project noise where nothing ever really happens and no decisions are made.

...except the decision to continue to have meetings about making decisions.

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