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Monday, November 26, 2012

Sugar or Salt?

So, have you ever played that game, perhaps at a bridal shower, where you have to guess whether that white granulated substance is sugar or salt?

Perhaps you've seen some comedic bit where a newlywed uses salt instead of sugar in coffee?

Well, evidently, that comedic bit didn't use Morton's salt.

Or should I say Morton's sugar?

Out of boredom or just happenstance, I looked at the ingredients on bottle of Morton's salt.  Ingredients are "Sodium Chloride" (i.e. "salt") and Dextrose (that would be sugar).

I was curious so I checked the bargain brand salt.  It's ingredients were "Sodium Chloride".

So, what gives, Morton?  I've heard that restaurants put sugar in their kids menu items to make them more "palatable" to children (like in pizza!) and thus get the kids to want to come back for more.  But seriously, sugar in salt?

I wonder how many of you out there are diabetics who know that there is sugar in Morton's salt?  Or how many restaurants use Morton's salt thinking it's pure salt, when it's actually salt and sugar?  Morton's isn't this a bit deceitful??  I always had a special place in my heart for Morton's because they make the mini salt shakers, which are cute and fit in children's play kitchens.  But I think now I'll have to steer clear until they can make up their mind:  are you a salt company or a sugar company?


  1. Perhaps you should post this to the Morton Facebook and see how they answer. This is terrible!

  2. Ok - checked my pantry. Walmart Super Value brand of iodized salt ALSO contains dextrose!

    I have Morton Canning salt, which is pure salt.
