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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Exhaustion and Children

My daughter used to sleep well. Now, she has forgotten how to sleep. My daughter is teething. At least, I think that's the problem. What a cruel joke of evolution that the parents are almost killed: 1. giving birth, 2. from exhaustion in the first three months, 3. from exhaustion in the second three months from teething, 4. from exhaustion in the next three months from teething... That's as far as we've gotten. She's usually a great kid, but she has been doing this grunting in pain thing and screaming her head off at nights which is really stressing me out. We've tried tylenol, we've tried Orajel, we've tried teethers, we've tried washcloths, we've tried bottles, but nothing, NOTHING is stopping this grunting. We're open to suggestions. I'm so exhausted right now from this child that I don't feel like I will make it to Thanksgiving without going to the hospital. Oh, yeah, and she tried to bite my boob off last night, so that was fun, too. Please post your ideas, in sane as they may seem, here. thanks, Two tired parents

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