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Sunday, September 7, 2014

In the Year 2525...

I always liked the song.  It's a little depressing, but frank.  The way we process our food and sit all day- what's the point in having teeth?  When we sit all day in front of the computer, how are we forcing our legs to change?

I honestly think that we're at a crossroads as a species.  Just like in Idiocracy, those that are dumb are going to continue the species because they reproduce more quickly.  I'll also draw your attention to the waist diameters of people with lots of kids.  It's probably just that healthy food is too expensive, but, still...we're forcing a change here on the body.

The same is true for those of us who work in IT.  Despite research about how sitting is bad for long periods of time, I look at the office and I don't see any bicycling desks.  I don't see any treadmill desks.  I see a lot of highly processed food wrappers in the trash cans because people don't have the time to eat or drink between meetings.

Here's a side note about dehydration:  it's been shown to alter brain, why does the workplace still not have mandated potty break times?  Because, let's face it, if you don't have time to pee, you won't be drinking anything...and people don't.  Ever notice how many headaches people have at the end of the day? It's not all from eye strain.

So, how are people in IT forcing their bodies to change?  And, yes, there are epigenetic, non-DNA, changes that you can transmit to your offspring...especially if you're a woman- you're donating the egg, you know???  People in carry their PDAs and smart phones with them EVERYWHERE.  I was appalled to find out that a question to HR on a Saturday night (so I wouldn't forget), resulted in an immediate answer. These are the same people who have trouble conceiving (I am really WAITING to hear that exposure to the internet in high doses leads to infertility- nothing yet, but everyone at work is on some sort of infertility treatment.)

I think you can see where I'm getting this idea that we're going to diverge as a species.  Some of us are going to become the biological components of machines.  That's how part of us will survive.  As the biology wears down, we'll move our consciousness to a new body and that will be our "reproduction".  I think the other half will devolve.  Sorry, but I do.  Especially now that the end of life as we know it is within the next 75 years.

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