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Friday, July 4, 2014

Dumb Americans

It is at this time of year I often take time to reflect on how dumb Americans are:

1. We don't take vacations.
At least not in the traditional sense when you don't work.  Vacations for Americans mean "I have the right to decline a meeting", but I still have to keep up with the email in my Inbox.

2. We celebrate death and sadism.
What else would you call it?  Every 4th of July, we celebrate with fireworks that are supposed to symbolize bombs falling from the sky to kill people.  And while we doing that, we actually are shooting flying wildlife from the sky and polluting the air. Whooo.

3. We use fireworks to symbolize everything American about the 4th of July.
The Chinese must laugh their asses off every year.

And because Americans cling to fireworks on Independence Day like they cling to the Bible, I'll be sleeping in my basement tonight...hoping that my stupid neighbors know how to put out the fires caused by their Chinese-born American tradition.

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