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Friday, April 18, 2014


I went shopping today for training panties for my daughter.  Evidently, they call them training paints, but whatever.

I found some on Amazon with cute little cupcakes and got those.  And I then I got some of the plastic, vinyl pants to cover them...for the expected accidents.

After a couple of days of accidents (and me not being quick enough on the laundry), I found myself in the position of having to run to Target for some more stock...only they didn't have what I needed.  After tracking down a stock boy (that looked like he wouldn't have a clue about diapers vs. training pants), we got a hold of the stock manager who took us to where they used to be stocked.

There was one opened bag of training pants and no vinyl covers.

Evidently, Target doesn't carry them anymore...they don't feel it's important to sell the vinyl pants.

I was shocked.

I went to WalMart.

Guess what?  They don't sell them, either.

Then I went to CVS- nope,

And Walgreens- nope.

No wonder day cares won't allow cloth panties!

The problem with the disposable kind is that the kid can't tell they're wet.  If they can't tell they're wet, they won't learn NOT to pee in their pants.

It seems to me that we're making it awfully difficult for children to learn this very basic skill.  We all know about how Freud studied adults that had childhood difficulties around toilet skills....What kind of messed up adults are we building now?

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