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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why Facebook Is Evil

Suddenly, I have a ooey, gooey self-satisfied feeling about NOT using Facebook (and removing myself from other social media).

It turns out that social media and modern lifestyle is gradually dumbing down the human population.  There is a lot more 'monkey-see' behavior nowadays and a lot fewer instances of innovation and individual thought.

In other words, the human race is regressing to tribal behavior, where there is a leader appointed by popularity and whatever that leader says, goes.  Blindly.

It's sad when I think about the article in Scientific American this month about whether or not utopias are possible; scientists have determined that the human propensity for lemming behavior is what destroys the possibility for a science-fiction type utopia because the disparity between master and servant (where the master thinks and the servant obeys) cannot allow a lifestyle of free-thought and equality.

So, despite feeling have that warm-cuddly plugged-in-so-I'm-modern-and-advance mind thought, all of you out there that live and die by texting and Facebook are destroying the dream of ever overcoming the human conditions for power because you just reiterated every little stupid fact that you find on the internet and treat it like gospel.

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