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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Serving Sizes

So, I recently started taking one of these tea pill vitamin supplements.  The serving size is 8 tiny little bee-bees three times a day.

First off, I can't tell you the number of times that I've lost of one these bee-bees down the drain or skittering across the floor, which the cats find most entertaining and then I get to go chasing the new toys before they're eaten or hidden under the frig.

And then there's the fact that you have to count out 8, three times a day.  Honestly, 8 tiny bee-bees.  Why can't they just combine them into one, normal sized pill!?

And that brings me to my current complaint:  the serving size is 24 a day; the bottle is 1000 pills.  That's 41.66666666666666666666666666666666666666667 daily doses in a bottle.   Would it have been so hard to put another 16 pills in the container?

It cracks me up about my these little juice melties that my daughter has, too:  amount in package:  2.5 servings.

Why not make it a full 3 servings!?

Can you imagine what lunch would be like if you had .75 servings of a PB&J sandwich?  or .666666666666666667 servings of an apple?  Would you like me to take a bit out of it to make sure that it's only 2/3?

It's not like these people can't do math.  They keep decreasing the serving sizes on cookies until you have 1/2 a  2" cookie so that there's only 80 calories per serving!  Fantastic!  (And, yes, the Girl Scouts are in on it. )


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