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Monday, March 31, 2014


Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.  The requisite elements of perhaps most general form of criminal fraud, theft by false pretense, are the intentional deception of a victim by false representation or pretense with the intent of persuading the victim to part with property and with the victim parting with property in reliance on the representation or pretense and with the perpetrator intending to keep the property from the victim.

Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated." It involves the group's initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual's actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making.

Extortion is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from a person, entity, or institution, through coercionExaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force, but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bird Strike

Ever heard of "bird strike"?  It's when a jet sucks a bird into its engine and kills the bird...thereby damaging the engine.

Now, airports have a practice of "depredation"...which is a white-wash term for mass killing of "nuisance animals"...particularly birds near airports.  JFK airport has an incredible high level of mass bird killings to protect their precious airplanes.

Honestly, are you surprised?

How many bird preserves do you see near the airport?

Sad to say, JFK airport is not alone with their fantastic understanding of where to put wetland and bird preserves:

MSP International Airport

San Francisco/Oakland Airport

Los Angeles Airport

Salt Lake City Airport

Chicago O'Hare Airport

Dulles Airport

Dallas/Fort Worth Airport

Just an observation...perhaps airlines would have fewer "bird strikes" if the wetland/bird preserves weren't right next to airports....

Just a thought.

Big and Small

See anything similar in these pictures?

Want to guess what they are?

Normal brain tissue using eosin (red) stain

The universe using a light microscope

Universal dark matter

Brain gray matter (the thinking part of the brain)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Conspiracy At Work

This one just fell into my lap today.

Say you go into the Urgent Care for really bad bloody nose.  Because they don't have any special nose rooms in the Urgent Care, you get bumped over to the hospital.

After you get treated for you bloody nose, you go home on your merry way.

Later on, it turns out that you get a bill from your medical provider saying that you were diagnosed with aneurysm and that the insurance paid on that claim.

Now, this is a fraudulent claim.

You didn't go in to the hospital with High, Emergency status for an aneurysm.  You went in to the urgent care for a bloody nose.  

Because it's in the system, it's now part of your medical records.

Better yet, no one is willing to change it.

You call the provider and tell them that they have it wrong and have a fraudulent bill.  

They deny it, refuse to change it, and dare you to do something about it.

You call your insurance carrier and tell them that they have paid on a fraudulent claim.  

They don't care.  

You press them for doing an audit against your medical records.

They offer you a compliant form to fill out.  

Once you make the claim, however, you're not allowed to find out what the status of that claim is- ever because it's a complaint per Medica Passport customer service "between the insurance provider and the medical provider". 

When I brought up the non-sequetor there (uhm, it's between all three of us and you're supposed to be on my side), they said that's how it is.

So, medical providers and medical insurers have a really nice little business going here.  They write up whatever the F they want and then the insurance pays it- no questions asked.  And you have to pay the deductible of whatever the F they decided to write into the computer.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Gluten Intolerant: You're Xmas Is Ruined

I'm sure we all know about "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." (actually titled "The Christmas Song").  You may or may not know about the American Chestnut Blight that has wiped out most of the American chestnut trees.  The blight is a fungus that was imported from Asian chestnut trees.

Well, it turns out that scientists have decided to resurrect this merging it with the fungal fighting properties of wheat.

Yup, that's right.

They've merged the DNA of wheat and the American Chestnut tree.

They have no idea if the gene will end up putting wheat gluten in the chestnuts.

They have no idea if the ecosystem will support this synthetic tree.

They have no idea of the animals, bugs, and other "normal" fungus will be impacted by their franken-tree.

Instead, what they're doing is putting this hybrid creation in the midst of fungal-laden forests and crossing their fingers that it all turns out right.  But in addition to now removing American chestnuts from the gluten intolerant diet, they've not learned the lesson from Roundup Corn:  that, just as I've been ranting about since college, nature is FAR superior to human engineering and that which you are trying to eradicate, will only come back stronger than ever.

You don't even have to look at the gene-manipulated plants of Monsanto to get the idea.

We're all aware of antibiotics not being effective anymore because of gained resistance by the bacteria that they kill.

It's the natural law.

So, (regardless of their lack of concern for wheat sensitivities), what happens when the fungus that they are trying to kill figures out how to beat the wheat resistance?  We're not talking about just the obliteration of the American Chestnut tree.  We're talking about the fungus now being able to cross species and kill wheat, too.

You see, having been a scientist, I can guarantee you that they didn't even THINK about the disastrous consequences to genetically engineering this tree.  Scientists don't.  They don't consider how many tons of genetically modified organisms they create during their research or what deadly alterations those organisms make to the DNA they're given.


They act as if the organisms are frozen in time and that there is no extraneous by-products created by the organisms they operate on.  They treat their experiments like a collage on a piece of paper:  a little bit here, a little bit there..ok it's done.

But that's NOT what's going on.

Genetic engineering works like this:

You take a solution (like a milkshake) of the new DNA and you cover cells in a petri dish with this solution.

Then you wait and see if something you want happens.

There's no frozen moment in time where the scientist is EVER in control of the experiment.

There's no analysis done on whether or not the cells that don't act as planned won't end up making some catastrophic prion disease that kills us all (like Mad Cow disease).

There's no thought at all.

If you're not scared, you should be.

Screw the bomb.  It's gene therapy that will kill us all...if it hasn't already.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


If you want to sell your home,  you have to have solid-core counter tops and new kitchen cabinets.

Don't bother fixing your windows.

Don't bother fixing your roof.

Don't bother insulating your house.

Don't bother putting in new carpet.

Don't bother with light fixtures or fireplaces.

Just put in some crappy, solid-core counter top and new cabinet faces in your kitchen and you're half way there.

Put in stainless steel appliances and you'll sell in a week.

And if you don't put in new kitchen cabinets and a solid-core counter top, you'll never sell the house.


Because Home and Garden TV and all the other interior design shows are telling Americans that a good house will have these things.

Thanks for all being lemmings and treating everything you see on TV as gospel.  One of these days, someone is going to find that stainless steel and solid counter tops are bad for your health.

I can't wait.

The Latest Rip Off

As we gradually lose our rights in America and companies offer less and less with heath insurance, we all are faced with paying medical providers after we get "treatment".

Now, this isn't a rant on the quality of care that we pay for- I've ranted about that enough lately.  (remember, it's a business- you CAN ask for your money back if you're not satisfied).

No, today I'd like to rant about billing practices of medical businesses.

They are required by law to provide an itemized list of treatment.

This is the "itemization" that I got from my recent visitation:

Services performed as hospital.  ER Visit Detailed (CPT:11111, Diag:000.00)  $500.00

Explains everything, doesn't it?

Well, I'll be definitely calling them today to find out what is included in "serviced performed" because they didn't even give me an IV, which is a LARGE component of a standard ER visit.

READ your bills.

You do have rights.

Make sure that you are paying for services that you actually received.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Gluten Intolerant?

LOVE artichoke hearts?  Kirkland has some for you- gluten free!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Trulia: Great Way to Perpetuate Wrong Information

So, my sister-in-law is selling her house and so we took a look at and

While Zillow incorporates all of the county updates, land pricing, etc., Trulia does not.

And in fact, Trulia actually has a disclaimer (hidden, of course) that has the accuracy of its estimates.

The accuracy is appalling.

To view the accuracy for your home, you'll have to actually DOWNLOAD an Excel file.  If you don't have Excel, you'll have to find a viewer or you're screwed.

But the part that pisses me off is that it's one of those websites that pretends to be accurate and truthful when it is anything but.

For example, the number of houses in Minnesota that are correctly priced within 5% of the estimate is 22.5%.  (so, about a 5th of the homes in the state are close to what is shown on Trulia).  But the trend doesn't improve as you go to 10% or 20% of the Trulia estimate.

For example, a house that is accurately priced at 200,000, will show up in Trulia anywhere from $160,000 to $240,000.

Even then, they only guarantee that 73% of the homes are correct within THAT range.

That's helpful, right?

Completely not.

Don't use  It's not true for you at all.

States and Body Parts

Being from California, I have to tell you, it's REALLY irritating to listen to people mispronounce "Oregon".

It's pronounced "Organ".

Just like the body parts or church instrument.

It's NOT "O-re-gone"

People immediately know that you're a foreigner, which is never a good thing when traveling.


As in "Oregon (Organ) Trail".


And while we're on the subject, here are a couple of other commonly mispronounced California cities:

Delano- despite it being named for FDR, it's actually pronounced "D-Lane-O" in California.

San Luis Obispo- Yes, it looks like it should be "Lou-eee", but it's not.  It's "San Lou-es Obispo"...or just call it "SLO".

Santa (whatever)- don't pronounce the "t" here.  Natives skip that and add a second n sound: "Sanna"

Got more? 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Specifically, vacuum tracks.

When I was a kid, my brother and I both had weekly chores.  You know the type:  toilets, floors, emptying the dishwasher, drying dishes, trash, and (naturally) vacuuming.  I remember trying to do vacuum as fast as I could because, well, I was a teenager and it was all about my time, not the quality of the job.  But the one thing that validated that I had, in fact, vacuumed, were the vacuum tracks.

Now, it's the Minnesota Parade of Homes in March, which means that it's the beginning of real estate sales in Minnesota, there's a season for everything.  Anyway, it's sometimes fun to go on tour and look at what's out there and dream about your perfect home.

After looking at several homes, I've noticed that there is a psychology behind the vacuuming patterns in a room.  Take for example the images below.

If you were standing at the bottom (like entering a room), which room looks bigger to you?

Which room looks more welcoming?

I'm just surprised that more studies haven't been done and passed along with this kind of subliminal trick to other homeowners.

Wish I had known about it when we were moving as a looks like there's less moving around my lazy teenage self would have appreciated that.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

If you want a GOOD documentary...

Try watching Hot Coffee.

It's titled after the story we've all heard about the old woman who spilled hot coffee on herself and sued McDonald's because the coffee was too hot.  It's the reason why the lids now say "CAUTION!  HOT CONTENTS!" and whatnot.

Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend it.

It DOES offer cited statistics.

It DOES offer some shocking truths about how corporations really are running America.  I believe, in fact, that I have commented on this MULTIPLE TIMES.  WE DO NOT HAVE GOVERNMENT.  WE HAVE CORPORATIONS.

Well, prepare to be pissed off after seeing this.  Unless things change, the people of the US will not have ANY rights that were guaranteed in the Bill of Rights because they will have all been amended and removed.  (Though, I have to give Senator Al Franken credit- I strongly opposed his coming to office because of other issues, but in this, he is definitely the voice protecting the people).

I'm not kidding.

We're heading towards the Dark Ages again, my friends, and unless we all stand up and say it's wrong, there will be corporations running us, just like kings and lords ran serfs.

(and in case you're wondering, no, the rape victim not only did not win her case, she was ordered to pay the company's legal fees)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Difference Between Propaganda and News

Well, I'm still in limbo after rewatching Battlestar Galactica for the 5th time (the new one, not the original). Hey, it's a good story, it's got strong female characters, and it's a good sci-fi program.

Anyway, so, I"m looking for something to watch/listen to while I do other things. (you'd have to see it to understand).

SOOO...I stumbled across a "documentary" on women in least, that's what it's supposed to be according to the summary blurb.  It's called Miss Representation.

It's not.

It's a general documentary about how women (still) do not have any realized power in the United States and how "the media" is condemning all women to oblivion because there is only one appealing stereotype in "the media"- the Barbie doll.

Now, I learned in school while studying the history of Nazi propaganda that the real difference between propaganda and news/information whether or not the story is BALANCED- does it tell both sides.

I'm sorry to say, but this does not.

News sites the source of statistics.

This, again, does not.

I wanted to like it.

There are important facts that they bring up about the US understanding and acceptance of what a woman is, what she looks like, what she is allowed to do in life, how she can never grow old...all of these are important problems that we face.  And, surprising, they even had a few successful men in the movie that were agreeing with the points as being problems.

But, I see these problems:

1. Diefying the "media".  
The main message of this opinion piece (I can't call it a documentary because of the lack of statistical citations that were needed), is that "the media" is evil and has it "out" for women.

As loudly as each of these women is screaming about the media being evil, they're USING the media to publish their opinion piece.  If you want to make a change, YOU need to start doing it, too.  It's not "THEM", it's YOU.  I bet that they let their children sit down in front the TV and watch Disney movies (which is singled out as being a bad stereotype for women because they are scantily-clad women who need rescuing).  YOU have to make the change!

2. The evils of having to look young for your whole life....
...and yet each one of the interviewees was wearing cosmetics.  There wasn't an unpainted lip in the whole bunch.

It's kind of hard to sit there and tell me about the evils of cosmetics and cosmetic surgery when you're wearing the product you're ranting against.

3. Patrons include Tiffany & Co., Wellendorf Boutique, Levis Strauss & Co.
Again, this seems to be countering the message.  If your message is that women are being stereotyped in to valuing sparkling things and being the youngest, hottest female on the planet, don't you think you could have found a different set of sponsors?  What kind of mixed message are you trying to send?

The biggest solution is actually raised by one of the interviewees, Pat Mitchell (who, I can't help but notice goes by the androgynous "Pat" instead of "Patricia"):  STOP.


According to Ms. Mitchell (former President & CEO of PBS), women account for 86% of the buying power in America.  And I have to agree with her:  money is power.

Women, we HAVE the power!

Stop buying into the diet pills because the clothing manufacturers are now cutting your jeans smaller.  Cut the sizes out of the jeans, if you have to. Hold them up, look at them, and then blindly try them on.  Does it matter if it's a size 4 or a size 10?

Stop buying cosmetics (no, I don't- used to, but don't now- except for REALLY special occasions, where I consider it part of the costume).  Putting a bunch of chemicals on your face isn't going to make you look better.

But most importantly:
Give men a position in this world that makes it so that they don't WANT to have those stereotypes.  This is something that we've never really figured out in the US.  The ERA failed at it and so did all of the other attempts at it since the hippie days.

If you don't give men a place in your new world, why would they want to be in it with you?  This constant male-bashing isn't winning you friends and it's certainly not going to give you any clout in their eyes.  We have to have a world of equality- a place for BOTH genders to live up to their full potentials.

Otherwise, we're all going to be miserable.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Change Your Google Password NOW

At least, that's what the experts advise in a recent article from Gizmodo.

Evidently, those black hat hackers (yes, they're actually called that) have found a way to spoof the Google Login page (yes, in this case, Login page would be one word...despite my protestations).

It's a phishing scheme to gather your Google login and, thus, hack your Google account and all of your information on it or connected to it.  So, all of you stupid people who have linked your Google account to every other login of secure info- well, you're pretty much F-ed. Frankly, I think that the ease of mimicking the Google Login page is just a sign that the Swiss, understated, over-simplified design is easy to hack, thus not user friendly (if you're a victim, I think you'll agree).

(and in case you can't tell which is which, the LEFT ONE= HACK JOB; the RIGHT ONE= REAL)

The best advise is this:

  1. Don't be a moron.  
  2. Don't open email you don't recognize.
  3. Change your password OFTEN.  Especially in commonly used email accounts (like, every 30 days.  Don't worry- the post-it note on your monitor is still safer than not changing your least for public accounts.  IT guys will still come and hunt you down if you leave password post-it notes out on your monitor at work).  If you use Yahoo mail, I personally recommend changing it every 14's the most commonly hacked and spoofed email host.
  4. Don't send private information over email.  Like your tax documents.  If you have to send them, encrypt them (and don't send the key in the same email.)
  5. Most of all, don't link your Facebook and Google and LinkedIn accounts to every other part of your life unless you enjoy being the victim of identity theft.  As someone who this happen to her, trust me- you won't enjoy going to the bank and filling out a load of paperwork for every illegitimate withdrawal and watching your credit score tank.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Guess the Rich...

Are just lucky.

Because I certainly wouldn't consider someone who puts a TV over a fireplace "smart".

...must have missed that physics lesson about heat rising...

It makes you second guess wanting to dream about owning one of these multi-million dollar homes...because if they're this dumb about a TV, what else have they been dumb about?

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Lunchables for men...

oscar-mayer-p3-portable-protein-packAnd as stupid as it looks, the shelf at Target was 1/2 empty today.


And you know it's for men because of the font and colors and P3 abbreviation.

I'm sure the trash cans in the programmer section at work will be full of them...except for the Hindi section.

Guess it's still the American tradition to have meat as a protein source.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What Would You Do?

Today, we'll do a little role playing.  You will be me and I'll propose this actual situation.

It's Sunday.
You go to the urgent care because of dire pain in your stomach.
They end up sending you to the ER because the urgent care just doesn't have the equipment to diagnose you.
The ER does a scan and determines you have an unknown mass in your stomach.  They tell you to follow up with the specialist.

On Monday, you call the specialist, and you're surprised that they can get you in within two weeks (instead of the typical three weeks to see a specialist).  You book the appointment and mark yourself Out-of-Office for work.

The day of the appointment comes.  You arrive the requisite 15 minutes early for your appointment.  The nurse (again shockingly) calls you at your appointment time.  You get the SOAP notes done (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan- it's the nurse interview) and wait for the doctor.  After the 10 minute wait for the doctor, he comes in, glances at you briefly, stares at the computer, and says "let's get an ultrasound". 

Time with the doctor:  60 seconds.

You go down to the in-clinic ultrasound and they tell you that they can't do the 5-10 minute ultrasound because, even though it's 1:25pm, there's a 1:30pm appointment that's going to need it.  So, they tell you it's going to be an hour.

How do you feel?

The time is now 1:30 and the patient still hasn't shown up.  You're waiting, impatiently, for the vacant ultrasound.

The time is now 1:40 and the patient still hasn't shown up.  You're done sending the bitching email to your spouse, and you're still waiting for the still vacant ultrasound.

The time is now 1:45 and the patient with the 1:30 time slot arrives.  You know that it will now be a minimum of 45 minutes until they can get you in to the ultrasound.

How do you feel now?

Now, give me your honest opinion:  do you care if the tardy patient was/is pregnant?

Honestly, now.

The message that was QUITE clear was that, while my symptoms may be an indicator of something life-threatening and I was there first, I had to wait for a healthy pregnant woman to get there and have her standard ultrasound scan.

You can better believe I got my co-pay back and left, after having a word about discrimination with the supervisor on-duty.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Don't Use Future Concepts Salon in Eden Prairie, MN

After burning my face and leaving an actually burn mark on my head, Future Concepts Salon attempted to double charge me for the appointment.

I would NEVER recommend Future Concepts Salon in Eden Prairie, MN.  The toilet runs, stylists don't wash their hands after using it, they physically assault you by leaving burn marks on your face and dripping chemicals down your face, the sheets are not put on clean right before you massage- they sit there for a long time, and there's hair clippings all over the floor.

To top it all off, they have a parking lot that is so full of pot holes, that it tears the transmission out of your car- there is NO way to navigate it without hitting at least one.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Toothbrushing Song

Do you have a child that doesn't want to brush their teeth?

I'm betting that no matter what kind of child you have, they like songs.

We found that singing the song kind of helps our daughter know that she has to brush...and how to.

(To the tune of "She'll be coming 'round the mountain")

Brush your uppers and your lowers, left and right
Brush your uppers and your lowers, left and right
Time to open up real wide
And brush where molars hide
Brush your tongue and teeth and gums day and night.

I dunno.  Perhaps it's just the distraction, but it works...a bit.

Minute Clinics

Well, the sickness of the year has hit our household and we're all sick.  And part of that is the resultant sinus infections.

In an effort to keep our costs down, we thought we'd try the Target Clinic.

Well, they're more than happy to take your money.

But they won't treat most conditions.

Like, if you've had a sinus infection before...sorry, you have to go to a GP.

If you've been feeling ill for longer than a couple of weeks- sorry, you have to go to a GP.

But you have to remember to demand your copay back.

Otherwise, they take your copay and shuffle you along.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Suggested Viewing??

There's definitely something broken here...

Of course, if you ask the developer, I'm sure they'd say "works as designed"....suggesting horror and hate movies when you select a movie about cuteness...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Matter of Size

This has been a week of finishing the skirt I was making for my daughter...and the TV show I was watching on Netflix.

So, now I have the conclusion blues- the blues you get when everything ends.

And after I get past the disorientation and the wondering around looking for something to do, I looked for something new to watch on Netflix...particularly something that might be daughter-friendly in case she happened to come and spy it behind me during a surprisingly short nap, for example.

Anyway, I found the program:  Aerial America (the Smithsonian Channel).  Diving deeper into the particular episodes, I saw California and Hawaii listed as the first two episodes, and seeing as how it's still winter here in Minnesota, the thought of some greenery was quite enticing.

The program is supposed to be an aerial tour (like from an airplane or helicopter) of the state.  Having been to both Hawaii and California, I can see the attraction.  Kind of like Soarin' at Disneyland/World.  But it turned out that California was really just a very brief tour of Highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway), starting at San Simeon and going all the way (gasp) to Point Reyes.  While I had that gemuetlich feeling about seeing old stomping grounds again, I was shocked that the show advertised to show the highlights of California and missed some rather large ones:  Yosemite, Grant National Forest, Mt. Shasta, DISNEYLAND, shall I go on?

On the flip side, the 4th episode of the series is about Connecticut.

Do you know the relative size of Connecticut to California?

What could you possibly show in a 60 minute program about Connecticut?  I mean, it doesn't even take that long to fly the entire AREA of the state!  I know, I know, you could make the same argument for Hawaii, but it's a state composed of islands...and the main transport method is by air there, I guess I don't find it surprising to have 60 minutes on the state's aerial topography.

And that's when the announcer starts in- talking more about the social history of the state than the physical history...which would be more what I would expect when reading a synopsis of a program called Aerial America.

Friday, March 7, 2014


  • Entropy
  • In thermodynamics, entropy is a measure of the number of specific ways in which a thermodynamic system may be arranged, often taken to be a measure of disorder, or a measure of progressing towards thermodynamic equilibrium.
  • In life, entropy is a toddler.

  • If you have one, you know what I mean.

  • Thursday, March 6, 2014

    Smells At The Work Place


    It's 3pm on Thursday.

    After a week of 10 hour days, you hear the tell-tale sound of the microwave door clanging shut, followed by the pop-pop-poppopopopopopppopoppopopopoppopopopopop-pop   pop  pop     pop.

    If you're at work, then you have a a very old-fashioned office because every IT office I've worked in for the past 10 years has had a strict policy about popcorn in the office.


    I've heard a variety of reasons, like it gets stuck in the floor, but the really reason, it turns out, is because popcorn is distracting in the office, according to HR.

    It's the smell.

    It distracts people from their work because of the smell.

    Of course, that's not the only smell that's disallowed in the workplace.

    Perfume- that's illegal, too, now.  (and that one, I understand after being fumigated in the elevator by the lady who showers in cologne.)

    But, the SMELLIEST, most distracting odor, is definitely cigarette smoke.  ESPECIALLY in the winter.  Since smoking is not allowed in the office, people sit in their cars soaking up the toxins in their cars before walking in to the office.

    ...and then they go out every hour and refresh the smell.

    Why isn't that illegal?

    The smell of alcohol on your clothes will get you fired.

    The smell of BO will get you a talking to.

    So, why not tobacco?

    And what's worse is this:  when workers come to your house- why can't you demand a smoke-free worker?  It's your F-ing home!

    Instead, you're expected to allow these smoke bombs into your house to poison your air for days on end.

    I guess the tobacco industry has a humongous grip on HR policies.

    Bigger than Redenbacher, anyway.


    I've never been a particular fan of spring time.

    I think it's because in California, it's a couple of weeks of stinky tree pollen and sneezing before the 90 degree weather starts.

    In Minnesota, spring ranges from blizzards to a quick 80 degree kick-off.

    We're having a blizzard year this year.

    In fact, it's the coldest spring I've ever had in Minnesota.

    But the nicest thing about the subzero weather we've been having is this:


    I don't mean the commercial jets- I mean those little Cessnas like in Wings (a TV show I used to love, but now can't manage to watch because of the glorification is gives to pilots that fly too low over houses...and don't obey curfew).

    So, now that it's warming up to the 20s and 30s here, we start having those lunatics buzzing our house again.

    Evidently, the several crashes they've had at the airport have not made a dent in their resolve to conserve fuel and fly as low as they can.

    It just really makes me want to get an radar scrambler on the top of the house.

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014

    Cracked Tooth

    After years of being hit and bruised and scratched by my daughter, I went looking for some statistics around how much children hurt their the face.

    It turns out, I'm not alone.

    And it is a big problem.

    Honestly, if I look at nature's example, this is still a problem in the animal kingdom...but they're quick to give their offspring a quick shove or nip to make them stop.

    Not that I'm advocating that, but I think that the lack impactful consequences is what keeps the injury pattern going.

    So, I"m really glad that we have a toddler that can reason, finally.

    And say "Sorry".

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Never Ceases

    You know, it never ceases to amaze me how well offering samples in the grocery store works.

    It actually works.

    I would love to see the metrics on this, but I'm betting that it works more than a coupon....well, probably depends on the coupon.

    And it really matters what food you're selling in the sample.

    For example:  prepackaged, processed food (like frozen pizzas and pre-popped, stale popcorn- yum).  These always seem to do very well when there is a sample being offered in the store.

    Perhaps it's just what people are used to eating.

    Gemuetlich, as the Germans say.  "Home cooking"?

    Perhaps it's that these items are priced between $5-$10 each.

    Whatever the reason, I always see a huge line next to prefab food samples at the grocery store...followed by a great deal of the products in baskets at the checkout line.

    But exotic foods, like salmon and steaks...these don't seem to convert well.  I'm sure that there are more people lined up to have the salmon than the frozen pizza because the salmon is always out of samples.

    So, what's going on?

    While it could be the price, I think it might be more effort involved in preparation.  I know that I would rather have a tupperware full of leftovers during the week rather than dealing with cooking fish to the right temperature, boning it, skinning it (not in that order), and then the lingering odor for multiple days.

    Perhaps geneticists need to breed us quicker cooking fish...or fish that don't leave a linger smell...or something better than Oust (which no long exists) to remove the cooked fish smell from the house.

    Or perhaps I just need to be paid more so that I can afford the fish, along with the time and effort to cook it.

    Sunday, March 2, 2014


    There seem to be more and more of these....

    Let's all celebrate dumb, obese people who break the law.

    I swear-Idiocracy was prescient.

    Saturday, March 1, 2014

    Someone Didn't Get the Memo

    So, I went to the doctor today.

    When I get up to the receptionist, I notice the now-standard stack of 2-3 dusty surgical masks sitting on the counter with the sign about wearing one if you have flu symptoms.

    Since I wasn't there for flu, I didn't grab one as I paid my co-pay and went to sit down.  As I turned into the sitting area, I noticed that the sitting area had been divided into two different regions- one with a dark blue sign and black ink on it (yeah, it's what you call "easy to read").  Since there were people in the non-signed area, I naturally migrated to the empty, blue-signed area (law of diffusion works with social situations, too, you know)

    So, as I approached the blue sign, I noticed it said "This section reserved for those with Flu"

    Now, couple of things bothered me about this:

    1. When did we change from calling it "the flu" to "Flu"?  For that matter, why don't we call it "a flu" like we say "a cold".  They're both viruses.  
    2. The "Flu" section of the waiting room was just as big as the non-Flu section (how many sick people are you expecting here for Flu symptoms??)
    3. And, most important of all, the moron that thought up this segregation of the waiting room must be a smoker because it's the same logic as a smoking section of a restaurant.  Yeah, both the flu and smoke are, uhm, air-born!  DUH!  So, you think having them sit on the far side of a 10 foot room is really going to make a damn bit of difference when it has been shown that we sneeze in the 15-20 foot spray zone?
    I guess they were trying to save money on those little surgical masks...and brain cells.